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Life is starting to gain some sense of balance and both me and ‘The Other Half’ are starting to settle into some form of routine. I’m still finding it strange though having people randomly wandering around in my garden and Louis is very confused why there are strange and freakishly small people (children) running and shouting and playing on ‘his’ grass! Oh the joys of guests! We all need some time to adjust to the new way of life I think!
With being so busy getting the gites ready for the guests I have had no time to stitch or stick or knit, well I did make 5 pairs of curtains in 2 days but that doesn’t count as it was not an enjoyable experience (I’ve never even made curtains before) and finishing the last hem on living room curtains 20 minutes before the guests arrived was not funny at the time!
I’m hoping now, that with the new sense of routine and balance that is slowly being restored in our lives, I can make use of my fabulous new craft stash…
…isn’t it wonderful?!!!
The first time I came to see the house I knew straight away what was going to live in this cupboard and as soon as the first guests were here I wasted no time in unpacking my treasures. I literally danced around the room when it was done – no more rummaging around in the loft in boxes to find things now!
I hope everyone out there is ok, I am going to go and have a good read and a catch up to see what I’ve missed over the last few months!!!
My little family =D
And breath! I feel like this is the first time I’ve had to actually sit at the computer in front of my fire (my French fire) and collect my thoughts.
Part of me feels like we have been just about keeping our heads above water since we arrived, staggering from one calamity to the next! They tell me its character building and as each one gets further away we start to see the funny side!
We have survived a gas leak on our first day, 2 very confusing phone conversations to a very French gas company resulting in gas man and fixed leak! Followed closely by the great escape, one minute the gerbils were both happily doing gerbil things in their house, the next they were no where to be found! Two days later and various home made gerbil ‘traps’ and we had coaxed both of them out from behind the fireplace where they had created a warm and cosy home!
Our first paying guests arrive on 11th May so we are working to a tight schedule. We have had lots of help and support from our wonderful families though, my parents have been out twice with big van loads of things and ‘The Other Half’s’ mum and partner were with us last week lending a helping hand with building stud walling and making curtains.
So even though I have the odd homesick day and sometimes things seem to get on top of me, sitting in the garden on a sunny evening with my man and my dog next to me makes it all worth while and I know how very very lucky I am.
The weekend saw boxes, tape, newspaper and various other packing materials fill the house and, in a military style operation, me and The Other Half spent 48 hours wrapping, stuffing, shoving, and squeezing what seemed like everything we own in to these boxes…..
There doesn't seem to be many of them but they took long enough to pack, i'm lucky that I managed to ship most of my crafting "stash" up to my parents over Christmas .
I managed to sort these…
…which are full of clothes, shoes, bags, etc that either no longer fit me or I just can’t justify paying to ship over to
One of the reasons that we are making the move is to live a simpler and not so “thing” orientated life. We have sorted out about 5 outfits each to wear between now and the move and the rest of our things will (hopefully) be packed away and ready to send over by the end of this weekend.
My house looks very bear and empty now, not very homely at all, but I’m hoping that by being organised (for the first time in my life) now, it will save some of the stress and hassle when we actually get to “moving day”!
Fingers crossed I will get over to a wonderful antique centre on Saturday, the house we are going to in
Oh I did manage to get a sofa (will make sense if you read my last post), where from I hear you ask…… yup, Ebay come through for me again. I got this 9’ hardly used beauty for all of £92.00 – don’t you just love a bargain!
Sorry for the mundane post, I haven’t even picked up a needle or been near a bead this week – I will try to do something more exciting next week!
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We are doing the move to
My parents have lots of outbuildings full of old bits and bobs of furniture, toys, books, etc so in a bid to reduce the amount of things we have to buy we decided a barn raid was in order. We found lots of “treasures” from my childhood and suffice to say I got very distracted – lots!
I also took the opportunity to sort out all of my horse’s “things”. I find it very hard to part with things, both me and my dad are hoarders, much to my mums dismay, well you really never know when something might come in useful! I found rugs that he has had since I got him over 8 years ago that have massive holes in them, head collars that I suspect have been chewed (bloody mice!) and lots of other stuff that I said good bye too.
My parents have a lovely old pine chest in the living room that holds their TV. It really is a lovely piece of furniture. About 4pm on Saturday afternoon my dad announced that he had another one somewhere in a barn. Off he went and re-appeared some considerable time later proudly carrying this…
Now not to sound ungrateful, but I didn’t know whether he was joking, did he really expect me to put this in my living room?
Oh me of little faith.
I think we might have discovered a little gem underneath the two layers of sticky back plastic and three layers of paint!
We also managed to fill the one barn that my mum and emptied with three tables, two stools, 4 dining chairs, three rugs, a TV cabinet, my first rocking chair (its so so small and cute), various curtain poles, a selection of lanterns and outdoor candles and a few other bits and bobs.
Now all I have to do is find a sofa?
Hmmm - Ebay calls me thinks!
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